Q: How do I get approval for a exterior modification to my residence?
A: It's easy! Simply click on 'Documents', complete a Property Modification Form and submit it via email to teh HOA email address. We will review your request as soon as we can.
Q: How can I ask a question, voice a concern, or make a suggestion?
A: It's easy! Simply click on the "Contact Us" tab on the lefthand side of this page. Then fill out the computer form and click "Submit". Someone will get back to you as quick as possible. Please include your email address for a response!
Q: I submitted a question a few days ago and haven't heard anything back. What's going on?
A: We try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If it has been a couple of days, send us an email to follow up. We don't want to leave anyone hanging.
Q: Can I forego paying my HOA assessment if I have issues/problems involving Heartland Homes?
A: No, your HOA assessments are in no way tied to your relationship with Heartland Homes. HOA assessments are used to provide services to the Foxchase community, such as maintenance of common areas, mowing & snow removal, insurance, etc.
Q: Can I withhold my payment if I have questions or complaints about my property at Foxchase?
A: No. As mentioned above, the monthly assessments are used for paying for services. As these services must continue to be provided, withholding your monthly fees could bring services to a standstill. We will seek to resolve any issues you may have, but monthly assessments must continue to be paid.
Q: Can I pay my fee quarterly or annually instead of monthly?
A: Yes. However, you must pay such monies in advance (at the start of the quarter or the year), not in arrears.
Q. What can be done to improve safety on Foxchase Drive and Hunting Creek?
A. There has been a lot of concern about safety along our roads. A stop sign was requested and installed at the junction of Hunting Creek and Foxchase, with the hope the this will slow down drivers.
Some residents have also brought up the idea of putting in speed bumps. However, we have learned that North Strabane does not approve of speed bumps as they interfere with snow plowing.
In the meantime, please remember that this is a community filled with children. While we may all wish that kids were better at looking before entering the street, it is ultimately the driver's responsibility to have their vehicle under control at all times. Please SLOW DOWN - many cars are driving much too fast. And take extra caution at times when kids are outside playing or waiting for the school bus.